I am an interdisciplinary and intersectional feminist scholar with extensive research experience in the area of agriculture and international development.

About Silvia
Silvia is Peruvian-Canadian and she has a BSc and Engineering Degree in Agronomy. After emigrating to Canada she completed her postgraduate studies in the University of Guelph, Canada. She holds a MSc in Capacity Development and Extension and a PhD in the Interdisciplinary Program of Rural Studies. She completed a two year Post Doctoral Fellowship with the CGIAR, WorldFish Center .
Her experience includes gender research, teaching, facilitation, multi-stakeholder support, project monitoring and evaluation, participatory action research, organizational development, capacity development for research. She has worked in South East Asia, Sub-Sahara Africa and South America, as she is very familiar with contextual realities.
Silvia is married and has two children. Silvia enjoys music, gardening, reading and cooking.
I have teaching expertise in formal, non-formal and informal teaching across various settings. My career features an extensive tenure in agricultural and food research programming, predominantly in the Global South, encompassing regions like Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America. My research is primarily focused on food security, sustainable development, people-centered development, and gender programming. Additionally, I have been instrumental in building an evidence-based foundation to influence policy decisions and foster North-South partnerships.
Silvia Sarapura, Assistant Professor, School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
Awards, Scholarships, Grants, and Honours
- Board of Graduate Studies Research Scholarship. Gender Mainstreaming & Programming in Agricultural Development, March 2012, University of Guelph. 15,000 CD.
- Dean’s Scholarship to Research and Leadership Skills, Ontario Agricultural College, January 2011. University of Guelph. Developing Capacities of Indigenous Women in Market Chains for Native Potatoes in the Central Andes of Peru. 10,000 CD.
- Craig Pearson International Research Scholarship F2010. October 2010. Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph. Gender Programming and Analysis of Market Development for Niche Crops in the Peruvian Altiplano. 10,000 CD.
- LACREG – Research Grant. AUCC/IDRC F2010. July 2010. Government Of Canada – IDRC/AUCC. Gender Analysis of Native Potatoes market Chains in Central Peru. 20,000 CD.
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship (Research). January 2010. Government of Ontario, Canada. Women in Agri-Food Chains in Peru. University of Guelph. 20,000 CD.
- Students for Development Internship Program – Summer 2007. June 2007 to June 2008. Government of Canada. Undertaken by CIDA/AUCC. 15,000 CD.
- Taffy Davison Memorial Research Travel Grant. May 2007. 5,000 CD
- Richard and Sophia Hungerford Graduate Travel Research Grants. (March 2007). 5000 CDUndergraduate Scholarship. Department of Physiology. International Potato Center, (CGIAR) Lima,Peru. 1986-1990. 60,000 USD.