Interviews and others....

Creative and Artistic Scholarship

1. Set of four videos produced on the exploratory study with farmers cultivating Open Pollinated Corn in Ontario. This study is in collaboration with Professor Sheri Longboat.


2. Potatoes in Peru. 2011. The University of Guelph. This video was produced by the University of Guelph communication office to document the research study I conducted with indigenous producers of native potatoes in the Central Andes of Peru.


3. El gorgojo de los Andes en Peru. 2020. Ministry of Agriculture, Peru. Rural communities of the Andes in Peru show us how they overcome challenges that they face, such as the potato pest called Andean Weevil. 20


4. Gender analysis provides new insights into CIP’s work with indigenous farmers in the Andes. 2016. CIP – International Potato Centre.


5. Considerando agricultura y cultura en los Andes. 2014. University of Guelph.  Este video es producido con las fotografías obtenidas en el estudio de investigación participativa con productores de papa nativa en las zonas altas de los Andes centrales de Junín y Huancavelica en Peru.


6. Andean Women’s Worldviews. The University of Guelph.  2011. The video was produced from the photographic and video material obtained from my research study in Peru with farmers cultivating native potatoes working in innovative market chains. It is a form to value their traditional knowledge for maintaining the potato’s biodiversity.


7. Procesamiento de Chuño Huancavelica Peru. 2012. Association of Native Potatoes Peasant Producers. Este video fue producido durante el trabajo de investigación con productores de Papas Nativas dirigido por Silvia Sarapura de la Universidad de Guelph, On. Canada.


8. Norberta Hinostroza-procesamiento de chuño. 2012. Presentation of results to peasant communities. This video was produced with the collaboration of native potato small farmers from the Community of Chicche – Junin and FOVIDA Peru an NGO working with them in the Peruvian Highlands.


9. Doing research through collaborative and participatory methodologies. (2010). The University of Guelph. The video describes the methodologies used in my fieldwork with women and men small- scale farmers who cultivate native potatoes in the high Andes of Peru.


10. FINCA Ayacucho: Do it with love. (2007). The University of Guelph. This video summarizes the approach and experiences of a small microfinance organization, FINCA Peru, in its support of women’s empowerment.


1.  Sarapura, S. (2016). Fostering Institutional Innovation through Underutilized Crops: La Alianza Cocinero – Campesino in Peru. Farming Matters.


2. Sarapura S. 2014. Women take the lead in agricultural innovation in Peru. New Agriculturalist. January 2014.


1. Integrated Systems Research for Sustainable Intensification in Smallholder Agriculture. CGIAR Research Program on Humid Tropics. 3 – 6 March 2015. Ibadan, Nigeria.


2.  International Potato Center – Centro Internacional de la Papa, Peru. How to make women take the lead in agricultural innovation: The Papa Andina experience in Peru. February 2014. In: innovation-the-papa-andina-experience-in-peru


3.   Anuario 2011 – 2012. LARO – Latin American Researchers of Ontario, Canada. Feminist Analysis of the Native Potato Production in the Central Andes of Peru. pg. 28. 


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5. 6.  Potatoes Are Key to Prosperity in Peruvian Andes 7.