Native Potato Festival | Conception | Peru

Through this festival, the province of Concepción presents more than 500 varieties of native potatoes produced in the Junín and Huancavelica regions. This event brings together farmers from Alto and Bajo Tulumayo, Ingenio and Heroínas Toledo, in Concepción; Pucará, Marcavalle and Patalá, in Huancayo; as well as Acostambo and Pazos, in Huancavelica. This event allows us to learn about potatoes of whimsical shapes, sizes and colors, as well as the properties and versatility that the product has for health and gastronomy. But at the same time, it shows the challenges and havoc that these farmers and conservationists of this great variety of native potatoes are going through to maintain them and their daily subsistence with them.