Professor Silvia Sarapura speaking at the first International Conference on Digital Innovation in Agri-Food, which was held at the University of Guelph

Participatory Video Approach
This video narrates the experience of Silvia Sarapura during her field study using the methodology called Participatory Video. This work was carried out in August

Empowering Women through Microfinance | FINCA-Ayacucho
This video shows through a study made by Silvia Sarapura, the transition to micro-entrepreneurship of Andean peasant women, who were victims of terrorism in the

Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores | ECAs | Peru | 2016
Las Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores también llamado Las ECAs, es un método para mejorar la actitud, destreza, habilidad y conocimiento de los participantes a

Native Potato Festival | Conception | Peru
Through this festival, the province of Concepción presents more than 500 varieties of native potatoes produced in the Junín and Huancavelica regions. This event brings together

The weevil of the Andes | The Andean Weevil | Peru
The rural community of San Jose of Aymara, Pazos district, Tayacaja Province in Huacavelica Region-Peru, shows us how they overcome the challenges they face during